These resources are exclusively in Papiamento. For equivalent material in Dutch or English, please visit either the Dutch Heart Foundation or American Heart Association. The links to these sites are available on our links page.
This folder gives an overview of what heart failure entails and how you can prevent this and what to do when this occurs.
This folder gives an overview of what a TIA entails. Also how to prevent this
In this publication the common heart attack is discussed, what it is, what can be done when it occurs and how to prevent it.
This publication deals with all the complications surrounding a stroke. How to prevent this and what can be done when it occurs.
Agina is like an advertisement that if you do not take good care of yourself a heart attack is on its way.
This folder gives you an overview of all the tasks of the Curacao Heart Foundation.
This condition occurs when a person finds himself in a stress-full situation.
CPR is a lifesaving technique that can be learned by all ages and sizes. This folder explains the basics.
Keeping your cholesterol at a certain level is key to healthy living. This folder explains how to achieve this.
In order to manage your high blood pressure, we recommend reading this folder. It takes you through the most important aspects.
Understanding the reason for having high blood pressure can be a helpful stepping stone to recovery.
This guide gives you an overview of what to eat and what not to eat to lead a healthy lifestyle.
This booklet guides you on what type of exercises are good for the heart and also explains how important it is.
They call it double trouble when one has both diabetes and high blood pressure. Take your time going over this folder to understand the risks.
This folder has been published by FMA and seeing it is a mayor risk factor in heart disease, CHF has made this available here.
This book has been published by CHF for all the laypersons that want to learn CPR. Especially for the naitive Papiamento speakers.
This book has been published by CHF for all the laypersons that want to learn First Aid. Especially for the naitive Papiamento speakers.
Information about AED hotspot
This course has been created in cooperation with the cooperation of the Veterinary Doctor.
© 2021 Curacao Heart Foundation